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Community Outreach & Engagement

A specific community outreach and engagement plan has been created for this project. The City will use a wide variety of engagement techniques in an effort to reach as many people as possible. This will include in-person and online meetings, in-person and online surveys, tabling at community events, stakeholder interviews, presentations to local groups, teen and youth engagement, and more. Status updates and results of these engagement opportunities will also be posted to this website as the community input grows.


If you would like to receive project updates and notifications regarding upcoming engagement opportunities, please sign up for this email mailing list:


The Comprehensive Plan development will be discussed in many public venues. Any meetings of the City Council, Planning Commission, and Steering Committee are advertised and open to the public. There will also be meetings and opportunities, such as tabling at local events, specifically facilitated for the public to share their thoughts.


Upcoming Meetings:

  • Planning Commission: Tuesday, October 8th from 5:00-6:00pm at City Hall

  • Steering Committee: Tuesday, October 15th from 4:30-6:00pm at the Spitzfaden Community Center

  • Planning Commission: Tuesday, November 12th from 5:00-6:00pm at City Hall

  • Steering Committee: Tuesday, December 3rd from 4:30-6:00pm at the Spitzfaden Community Center

  • Community Meeting: planning in progress, tentatively late-October


If you have any ideas for community engagement or groups who should be involved, please let us know! Email with more information.



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